
Zines are self-published booklets that are created through a process of cutting, pasting, gluing, and binding together various types of art (poems, images, QR codes, etc). They are made as a form of self-expression and creativity beyond profit-based book making and printing.

The IWZine is an ongoing program for Inspired Word Café, in which we endeavour to create a community-driven zine, published and distributed for free each year. This is just another way for IWC to engage with our community and help put creative work to the page for sharing!

IWC often offers zine making workshops every year, to give participants a chance to work together to create content for that year’s zine volume. We also offer take-home packages for participants to create a zine page at home, following the Zine Tutorial on our Youtube page. 

Zine Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oi6bCGK5VHo

Want to see what we’ve already made? See below for digital copies of IWZine volumes 1 & 2!

IWZine Volume 2

The second volume of the IWZine was created in 2020, led by Mackenzie ‘Ken’ Shaw. Below is a PDF preview of the zine.

IWZine Volume 1

The first volume of the IWZine was created in 2019, led by Šari Dale. Below is a PDF preview of the zine.